Friendship Across Borders e.V.  is a non-profit, independent Assozation. We do not belong to any governmental, social, religious, cultural or educational organization. Culturally, we cross borders, and we look at every religion - Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism - as equal.


We need your support! Become a member of Friendship Across Borders e.V.

As a member you support our peace work with a monthly fee of € 10.-.


Please contact

Avner Dinur  Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Gerburg Rohde-Dahl   rohdedahl(at)


You can also provide donations directly to one of our activities by


Supporting specific programs or groups.
With your donation you can sponsor participants, for example by financing travel costs for students or Mentors. You can also chose to provide fees for lectures with a content of your choice in the context of our seminars. Please ask us about details.


Supporting the stay of our students and teachers in guesthouses.
Should you own or administer a guesthouse you can subsidize our stay in your house by offering special conditions. Please be aware that we respect the religious rules about food and times for prayer. Please contact us if you want to provide this kind of material support for our activities.


Supporting our program for documentation and evaluation,
for example by arranging for a master or doctor thesis, possibly as part of a joint research-program between a German/European, Israeli and Palestinian university. Please ask us if you are in charge of an appropriate research-program, if you can contribute financial means or in case you want to sponsor a professional film documentation about the communication between Germans, Jewish Israelis and Palestinians.


As honorary member you help us with your social reputation. Drawing on your network of professional and business contacts, you support our vision and our activities by bringing them to the attention of a wider public.


As we pursue educational purposes, including the support of students, and promote tolerance and international understanding, we have been granted tax-exemption by the decision of local fiscal authorities in Würzburg, Germany, and have been recognized as a non-profit organization in accordance with article 5, paragraph 1, no. 9 of the German Communal Tax Law (KStG).


We welcome any donation!


Bank Account


by PayPal